Random Vids Thread

i was actually in to bmx just before or at same time as engines.
i bought a $550 aluminum mongoose solution./then got a free pro frame cuz i cracked it shop upgraded me lol.that loved to jump high.
i can still do 360's on a bike off jump and roll out 360's on the ground with no jump lol...ect..:)
I have a nice redline 1.1

made for dirt jumps, but there was never good dirt to build at our old house.

my brother and i rode them to our little town about 3.5 miles almost every day one summer. and quite a few times to school and back home
That was a cool vid. Never seen that one trick, looked like a tail whip except he spun, not the bike. I always liked watching bmx, but never got into myself. Although until I got my liscense I rode everywhere. Sometimes 7 or 8 miles on these mountain roads, to go see friends, it was a good work out