thanks guys well i had a think and i still need to run my new piston in and i know for a fact if i put this head on before running it in il end up wanting to see what it gives and il end up with a blown engine or worse lol so gonna run my stock head until i run piston in then use this and see the difference I:I going to get my porting by joe as well once i have the money
thanks guys well i had a think and i still need to run my new piston in and i know for a fact if i put this head on before running it in il end up wanting to see what it gives and il end up with a blown engine or worse lol so gonna run my stock head until i run piston in then use this and see the difference I:I going to get my porting by joe as well once i have the money
Feel so sickened i was gunna put down 14 but insted i let someone convince me to put down a different number :/ Learned a valuable lesion always go with your gut instinct lol... Congrads to the winner and rep for joe as well really cool thing to do I:I
yeah man im well pleased was so jumping about last night! haha but will post pictures on my build thread when i get it contacted joe today and told him my octane fuel rating over here