race gas

you can buy aviantion fuel....idk about you but i live near a small airport so they sell airplane gas which is like 102 octane and up i think
there is a station up the road that was selling me gas and it ran good with it all last winter but summer came and for some reason the gas would turn to jelly in the bottom of my carb. i dont know if the guy is watering it down now or what but the bike wont run on it. ive gone to sonoco and picked up some race gas from there but my bike still pings on that gas as well..
lol....idk where you can get race gas but i know for nitro rcs you can get race gas LOL
I run the VP C12 it's 108 octane leaded fuel.Runs and works extremely well.The stuff that gells up alot is the oxygenated fuel more for the 4 strokes(I believe). Do a search in your area for local auto racing/nascar sanctioned tracks.I get mine from either the local track or a gas station close by to the local track.I drive about 40 min each way for fuel and get 10 gallons at a whack.
i run vp c12 in my shee, i got it at my dealer 70bucks for 5gallon can, but they went out so i get it at the gas station down the street for 10bucks a gallon..
I get the VP C12 straight from the pump and I have paid as less as 7.99 a gallon and as much as 8.99 a gallon.Great stuff.
No problem.It's available everywhere just hard to find it.It looks like they have a distribution wharehouse in FL also.Heres that info.

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Phone: 954-565-7670
Fax: 954-565-7696
This thread is old. But anyways, I can get turbo blue for like $8 a galloon, the stuff if 115 octane is I remember correctly. I am going to switch to 100LL, since I can get the stuff for like $4 a galloon at the local airport. And the airport is only like 10 minutes away.