R.I.P. James "The Rev" Sullivan - Avenged Sevenfold's Drummer

man i can't beleive he's gone, i am jammin some afterlife on the comp. right now in tribute to him, god i will miss him, this sucks, i am so sad, you guys have no idea what these guys meant to me, they are and always will be my favorite and without jimmy "the rev" it just won't be the same, RIP dude
Rock. In. Peace.

The Rev meant a ton to me as well. He was by far my favorite musician...
i am still bummed, man i can't get enough of their songs right now, they are all awesome musicians, he was one of my favoritestoo dude, this band is what got me into listening to music like theirs, i have always loved their sons and will love them more from now on, god, i'm like getting even sadder typing this, stupid nick jonas, someone said he was dead but he wazn't, i woulda much rathered it be him than the rev dude, i hope they go on as a band though.
i never really listened to them but i know the feeling bro........alot of my favs that are now gone are, cliff burton( metallica), chuck shuldiner (death)...and of course dimebag!!......RIP METAL BROTHERS!

Cliff Burton & Dimebag man hell yeah you & i must have grown up around the same era of music. They rocked hard very hard.
Rock on buddy rock on im sayin that with my horns held high.
well i have a little updae, so far the autopsy is inconclusive but they have yet to receive the toxicology and other tests, and i was digging aroung online and saw that the rev was the one who made the sick song, "A little peice of heaven", just sone cool fact i found, god i'll miss this dude, RIP dude.
well i have a little updae, so far the autopsy is inconclusive but they have yet to receive the toxicology and other tests, and i was digging aroung online and saw that the rev was the one who made the sick song, "A little peice of heaven", just sone cool fact i found, god i'll miss this dude, RIP dude.

The Rev made a lot of Avenged Sevenfold's songs... he made most of their big hits, like Almost Easy.
dang that kinda sucks if he made alot of their songs, they might have to get a new song writer:(, i hope they don't change their music.

If they were smart they wouldn't change their music. Obviously, it will be different without the Rev, but they should try to keep their style.