Question About Riding On Roads


Jul 23, 2007
I am guessing this question has come up before but i want to get a better idea about what I'm up against. My bro, friend, and I were planning on riding to the railroad tracks down the street from my house. The tracks are about 500 ft away but I do not want to get pulled over. We would drive on the side of the road and go slow. I am wondering that if a cop stopped us would he probably give us a ticket. I do not want to run because I do not want to get arrested or anything. I want to get a degree in criminal justice one day so I do not want to jeperdize that. What do you guys think my odds would be, good or bad? I mean we are just 3 kids goin slow down the side of the road. I am the oldest rider there too, i do not even drive a car.
you might not, or you may.

the cop could be a total dick and pull you over, and give you tickets or
he could be really nice pull you over, ask what you are doing, and let you go.
you wouldnt be doing any harm, but then again it is illegal to drive on the road without and registered vehicle
i ride on the roads all the time. I have never been stopped. Only cop trouble i had was when i ripped down my neighborhood at 9am and i have a cop that lives down the road. Soon after a police car followed me back home but they never said anything lol. but then again i live in a small town and people really dont care
yea, thats where i get stuck. around here most cops are strict. They would give an old blind lady a ticket for accidentially parking in a no park zone. My family knows a lot of cops thou. I just wouldn't want to be caught and be like "Oh ya I know so- and so" and the cop just says "I don't care he would ashamed" or so crap like that and gives me a fine.
I don't know, i have a feeling like they'll think we are just 3 kids trying to have fun riding. But then again they may be sittin by those tracks just beggin for entertainment.
you might not, or you may.

the cop could be a total dick and pull you over, and give you tickets or
he could be really nice pull you over, ask what you are doing, and let you go.
you wouldnt be doing any harm, but then again it is illegal to drive on the road without and registered vehicle

lol.... couldn't have said it better myself
ya i know what your sayin but the spot is notorious for mean cops bustin people. It is weird, the street is all like forest on the side and it winds so you'd zip around this corner and you would be nose and nose with the cruiser
then dip off road onto the trail, anyone know cops arent aloud to persue atv's? they cant chase you. obviously they cant chase you off road cuz of there cars but if you where going down a road or something, suposebly they cant persue you.

i may be wrong, but thats what ive been told. i dont ride by that, i just dip anyway if there chassing me or not lol.
cool, i definately wanna ride on those tracks because there are tons of pits off in the woods. I think im just gunna haul some ass down the road. It depends i might just drive slow and if in the rare circumstance i get caught i'll try and defend my case and sayin i was on the side of the road goin slow. it could work cause i ain't endangering anybody. Theres no kids on that street, all woods and heavily traveled.
i say, rip down that sh*t, like 89custom said, mabe 10 seconds or less, and ur on the trail, but if u want to play, u better be able to pay.
then dip off road onto the trail, anyone know cops arent aloud to persue atv's? they cant chase you. obviously they cant chase you off road cuz of there cars but if you where going down a road or something, suposebly they cant persue you.

i may be wrong, but thats what ive been told. i dont ride by that, i just dip anyway if there chassing me or not lol.

what do you mean they cant chase you. riding your ATV on the road is a vehicle code violation. there are serveral of them. there is even special sections for pocket bikes.
what do you mean they cant chase you. riding your ATV on the road is a vehicle code violation. there are serveral of them. there is even special sections for pocket bikes.

in PA the cops are not allowed to pursue you the very second that you get off the road, if they chase you to a path, and you cut into the path, you are safe unless you happpennn to run into DCNR or the game commission XD then you're screwed... but other than that nope you're good
yea you guys are right. I can't push it thou because cars whip throu at like 50 mph. I am not gunna be a sissy, im haulin ass down that street.