I have done the conversion to add a battery for hid lights, its easy. First your stator has 2 parts. one side does the ignition (back part) the front part is for lights etc. The front part is what gets rewound for more output. to do the conversion you must also modify the front part by floating the ground. All you do is take the winding where it grounds on the stator plate, and instead of grounding it to the plate attach it to a wire running up the frame with the rest of the wires. Replace the voltage regulator with a rectifier. I got a universal one from Baja designs. wire that up per the directions and add the battery.
As for it being powerfull enough to run the winch, that depends somewhat on the battery size. Whenever the bike is running you are charging the battery.
As for it being powerfull enough to run the winch, that depends somewhat on the battery size. Whenever the bike is running you are charging the battery.