Project Pink

She loves the color but wants it done now lol the more parts we get the more she gets on me to work on it. the only thing i even have on is the swing arm. The Axle is in the mail and i should have it by end of the week. but cant put that on till i get axle carrier powder coated lol this is where i am stuck. Anyway i will have pics as soon as i have a little progress.
She loves the color but wants it done now lol the more parts we get the more she gets on me to work on it. the only thing i even have on is the swing arm. The Axle is in the mail and i should have it by end of the week. but cant put that on till i get axle carrier powder coated lol this is where i am stuck. Anyway i will have pics as soon as i have a little progress.
what a woman wants she wants NOW!!!!lol cant wait too see how the progress is coming, so i can steal all ur ideas...hehehe jk
thats awesome! I'm in the middle of pinkin' out a predator 500 for my wife. I was on the fence about powder coating the frame - now i have to after seeing this!! keep the pics coming...
Going to go with the maier yfz cut rear with the one piece front fenders and just a black gas tank cover. should look bad ass
nothing to look at just a frame and swign arm i am wating on anothr shock. the 450r shock i have don work with a +3 swing arm. so i have a shock on the way and axle also. need to get berings out of the carrier so i can take all my little stuff to get powder coated. but for all your wifes and G/F's i will take some pics of it with the swign arm on :)
Well the moment all your wifes/girlfriends have been waiting for here are the latest pics i have. I will not be using that stock shock if you have a rear shock that you are looking to sell kinda cheep let me know i might be interested. I do have that spot where i cut the tab off for the 450r shock to fit and it hits the frame. My A arms are in the mail so i will have them on ASAP with my front shocks. I am still waiting on the Axle and other parts. well Enjoy



well i was out of work for some time and also needed stuff back form the powder coater. so here is what i have been working on. let me know what you think thanks.






