Problem with rear hydraulic brake


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
Kelowna, British Columbia
As I said in the post before I have a leak in the rear brake. It is a stock 2003 rear hydraulic brake and I am not quite sure what is wrong with it. When I bled the brake, every time I would get resistance on the pedal and i pushed down, brake fluid would drip between the main caliper and the bit that bolts on to the main caliper (not sure what it is called but it is in a drum shape and it has rubber around it). My uncle said it that a seal might be broken in there and if that is correct how do I fix it?
(BTW sorry for the double post I just felt I wasn't specific enough with the old one)

thanks, Joe
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sorry for taking so long to post. the leak is were the arrow is pointed at, in between those two pieces.