probem with clutch?

I run regularly in banshee's producing upwards of 100hp plain old Napa Auto trans type "F". it's like $.99/qt.

You can use non-detergent motor oil in a pinch, it's a lil thick but it will work. It wont harm anything. if your going to I would recommend 5w-30 or a 0w-30 weight. The new trans fluids that are out there are excellent (and expensive). I run red line MTF in my old drag banshee and my last 510cc saber/250r. Its like $15/qt.
dam guys im getting all diff answer .. i neeed 1 solid one that i know will 100% work an not burn out my clutch an help with the issue at hand..
your cable probably isnt stretched. and if you can shift at all 1st through 5th gear with no problem then it probably isnt your clutch either. i had similar problems when i rebuilt my engine, turned out i had a bent shift rod. i would just give it an oil change get the yellow penzoil tranny fluid its cheap and lasts long only about 8 bucks. if that doesnt work, sometimes neutral wont engage. if u hold in clutch from 2nd gear and try to shift into neutral it WONT work. u have to go from 1st to neutral. i just kill my engine while in first then manually put it in neutral from there. works every time
i say new cable if it's adjusted all the way out, then choose an oil preferably 2 stroke tranny oil from the local dealer, but the type f auto tranny fluid will work too
just pick one, and stick with it for future changes

it calls for 650 milliliters, get it close to that, then use the window to adjust, don't over fill it

and heres my experience with motor oil....10w-30 from the dollar store, cheapest chit known to mankind (i think you can deepfry with it too) hahaaaaaa

brand new 96 blaster had it for 8 very hard years, sold with stock piston and stock clutches in it, motor was only ever opened up to replace a broken shift star once.
used dollar store .99 cents motor oil in my clutch for most of those years, never slipped, never burned up, but i changed it sometimes weekly during the summer riding season
now that i know better, i only use the honda 2 stroke tranny oil, but any will work, just keep it clean by changing often