no no no!!!! renthal is way stronger!!!! pro taper are cheap and ont feel good they a low quality bar i found my friends msr bars were better not even kiddinggggggggggg
hmm,have u ever tried pro tapers? when i was on my buddy's banshee with renthenals, they vibrated like crazy,even at low revs. we will let dan 151 decide
Personally i prefer a bar that isn't extremely durable. I have a renthal and i cant bend it. I have rolled pretty dame hard on that thing and it has never bent. The bad part is it will bend the steering stem because the bars just wont give. which sucks. Renthals are very strong, ive never tried pro taper though.
lmfao. im deff not cross eyed otherwise it look like my computer screen is crooked an its not its sitting on a level desk....must be the steering stem!