
yamaha blaster

New Member
Jun 15, 2008
Today I was plowing our driveway and caught a old snow pile and went for a ride bent the plow beyond repair and bent the tow hook on the quad other then that nothing else happened.
Damn man how fast were you goin? I havent hit old snow yet...guess Ill watch out for it...

Oh yeah pics or ur lying...LOL
lol plowing snow is fun me and my friend use his recon and my gmas rancher to clear the roads in a small town and we will dra race while plowing the snow and one day i did the sam goin 25 hit old hard now thak god the plow is the ones two smap bolts on the fram and a lowering chain hooked with linkage to a handle an it has a springed hing plow just incase u do hit hard so i just replased the smap bolts and was ready to go lol
Yea I am going to slow deffinently but we found a cl deal actuall plow for our polaris and it only $50 hopefully its what we are looking for.