Please help!!!!!


New Member
Apr 22, 2009
don't blink you will miss me PA
hey all im having trouble with my carb i cant get it right ive tried everything it seems and one time i will be rich and another i will be way lean i got the vitos jet kit and i am set right now lean at 300 main 30 pilot and mid needle with air screw 1 1/2 out please help i want no i need to ride
sounds like you got a airleak. you should be running rich with a 300. i would replace the base head gasket and the reed cage gaskets maybe 1 is leaking. how does your reeds look any broken or warped.
put your hands round the rubber manifold and air filter see if you can feel air... and the head gasket the can also take off the manifold then put into bucked of water and see if bubbles come out
make sure that your manifold clamp and airfilter clamp are both tight... same thing happend to me due to one being loose
you need to do a leak down test. a 300 main for the modes you have is pretty high. where is it lean? how are you deciding that it is rich of lean? try a larger pilot jet. stock is 32.5. remember only change one thing at a time. Why dnt you try going back to all stock settings and working it from there.

230 main
32.5 pilot
needle clip in the middle position
yeah with thise mds a 170 main needle in the middle and stock pilot and airbox lid on should be right on, if the airbox lids off try a 290 you must have an airleak
i have a full dynoport with boyseen reeds and a uni filter and with the airbox lid on it runs rich , with it off im prettymuch right on. thats with a 260 main