please help me

one of those comin out of the key should have a white stripe, not that it matters, it's just a make/break single pole switch, so doesn't matter which wire hooks to which,
they hook to the wires comin out of the wiring harnes that are black and black/white stripe
the brown and green are headlight hi/lo beam
do not hook to them, LOL
i think the oringinal key may have had a plug ???
look around down in there for any black and black/white stripe wires hanging loose, possibly with a plug ? (it's been a while)
if not they can be wired into the same color wires that go to the run/stop switch on the bars
The key switch wires aren't in a plug, they're male and female butt connectors (like all of the other connections under the hood except the TORS box).

The black wire with the white stripe is the actual kill switch wire. That grounds out the source coil power to ground when connected to the solid black wire (frame ground). If your still has the TORS brain, you can tap off of the black/white wire going to it and hook that wire to the switch with the other leg going to a ground (or black wire).