playing with my rug rat


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
up... family time lol... my little guy wanted to ride wheels and since its raining out we can so i got my gloves helmet and chest protector on and ran around the house with my old bars lol


and my little guy in him mx costume...


like my $15 chest protector? and my $10 fox digit gloves?
lol yeah he does have abs... little sh*t has a 6 pack... musta got that from momma cos my 6 back is in the cooler lol... yeah he blew that wall up with a sharpe ( damn wall was just painted 3 weeks ago to)
aha lastyear i was a streeker and this old lady said" oh you look good compared to these people" she was talking about my friends and i said" you here that guys she called me sexy" she started yelling " I DID NOT CALL YOU SEXY" it was sooo funny yeah i am thinking about wearing bringing roller blades and a suit
hahaha!!! its funny though cos there is a group of teens around here trying to live the 80s/ early 90s punk look.... and there failing miserably!!! seen one he was almost spot on!! studded jean jacket, jeans, mohawk( abnout a foot tall) dead kennidys pack on the back.... except he was wearing a 30 seconds to mars shirt, and pink n black skater shoes..