Pivot Bolt Help!

Mar 29, 2011
Yorkville Illinois
I am trying to remove the pivot bolt on my swing arm but i need ideas. I have the bolt out so that it is even with the frame on the threaded side, therefore preventing me from hitting it with a hammer. i have tried using a socket extension with a hammer but the b**** wont move. i have noone to help me so i need ideas on how to get it out alone....
What I did to remove mine was I used a socket extension and a short handle sledge hammer and I put the entire bike on its side. I also took an impact gun to the bolt and kept it spinning until it was rotating quickly. Then I smashed the socket extension on the end of the bolt a few times and it will slowly come out. Careful not to damage the frame while doing so.
Do you have a pickle fork? You might be able to get the pickle fork under there cause its a wedge, (under the bolt head) and pry/beat it out.

Also if you havent already, soak it in some PB Blaster or Liquid Wrench too. That can help loosen it up.
The end may be mushroomed from hammering.
Belt it back in, clean up the mushrooming with a small file.
Try again using a drift smaller than the bolt.