pitbike stunting

mystic mafia

New Member
Sep 24, 2010
i've been stunting my 125cc pitbike today and now i want to turn it into a full blown stunt machine! i just wanted to see if anyone else stunted anything! like dirtbike or sportbikes
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there are a couple sites that can help you out. i think its fast50s.com or fab50s.com. they have all the stuff you will need like a hand break and rea pegs. stiffer springs for adult sized people. They are a blast to stunt!
<---------I stunt that, yep, wheelies, stoppies, Highchair wheelies all day long, yep, sure do. hahahahaha

I kow lots of guys stunt pitbikes, there great fun and when ya fall off its not a far drop and the bike usually survives the hit