

New Member
Dec 13, 2009
I just bought a new wiseco piston for my 03 blaster its 6.75 or .070 over will the this make my stock blaster faster of cause problems. I also bought vito open air box jet kit and reeds along with k&n filter.
chances are you will not go any faster, if you want to go faster change your sprockets. the reason you wont go any faster is due to the tranny, i.e. your stock motor spins 12,000rpm(i think thats the rev limit) and your top speed is 50 or so, so even if you bore the motor but everything else stays stock it will still only spin so fast. the real thing you may change is how fast you get to your top speed. hey BTW welcome.
what should i do to make bore worth the money. will it make a difference if i add exhaust to it. What size sprocket should i put on.
An aftermarket exhaust will really help to get more power,especially with an open airbox. Also, try increasing the front sprocket to a 14 tooth, it'll give you a higher top speed and should make your blaster pull harder. Just make sure you are jetted right for your mods.
a real common gearing is 14 front and 39 in the rear, i run it and it added aton of top speed. yea a after market pipe will help to free up alot of power especially if you get the motor ported. but like 09 said and everyone else on here will say check your plug all the time and make sure you jetting is right, or you will burn it down.
theres a couple reasons, you do gain some top end but you will lose even more bottom end, the sprocket puts the chain way to close to the case IMO which could punch a hole in the case. theres no reason for a 15 when you can get about the same performance out of a 14/38 or even a 14/39 set up but youl still have some good bottom end power. dont get me wrong there are some guys on here that run them and they may tell you other wise but what i just told you is the reason i dont run one.
Why does evrybody go 14/40 sprockets wouldn't 15/40 be faster or not just wanted to know before I buy 1
yes it would be faster in the top end but the reason people mostly go with the 14/40 or 14/39 or w/e is because with a 14 front you still have some bottom end so you can go ride trails or go ride dunes, while with the 15 front set up you will lose bottom end power. in other words if your bike had a 15/40 set up and you raced against the same bike but it had a 14/40 set up he would beat you off the line and for most of the race but you would end up beating him in the long run. i hope this helps you.
thanks I put my jet kit and new reeds in and opened the airbox tues. Wow made a difference. My .070 over wiseco came in yesterday I took it to get bored today it will be done tomorrow my fmf exhaust should be in next week. Oh I forgot Im putting on 14t sprocket tommorow. How much should i advance timing