piston, now more than 1 piece


New Member
Sep 15, 2008
ok, so my buddy's kid kind of borrows his brothers blaster, that is actually owned by my buddies wifes ex-husband. (its a long story) the engine locked up, at first i thought it broke the rod. turns out it was the piston skirt, which i have now found out from this site is very common on the blaster due to piston wear. i am planning on spliting the case, cleaning it out. this is a '99 blaster. should i replace the crank? and the second question is, the cylinder needs to be bored, right?
generally, pull it apart, clean it out... check all of the bearings close, as the metal from the piston most likely got into the rod or crank bearings. Check em close, and clean em good... replace if needed.

as for boring they cylinder, if the piston/cylinder was worn enough to snap the skirt, your most likely going to want to bore to the next oversize to clean it all up to match the new piston.

when you have your parts list, PM me... ill hook you up on a great package price for the rebuild.