pink graphics kits?

Outlawed Genetics

New Member
Jul 17, 2008
anyone know where i cna find some pink graphics kits? alba had a sweet white and pink one but i cnat find it forsale anymore

it'll be goin on a white blaster with pink accessories

so far this is the best i can find.

i know a place that makes themyou just have to have mesuarements its called soundfx they make custom car decals theres 1 in ri and 1 in ma hit me up if your interested send me some measurements and ill get you a price
I'd sure be interested if we could whip up a few templates and have one of those car wrap places that could print them out for us. I could work on creating templates, and I can def. do the graphics end of it. I'm just concerned about the prohibitive cost.

If we can find one of those places that would take the work with a side job mentality and cut a deal, it'd be pretty cool. I skinned my (Blackberry) phone and had fun doing it, and would love to do some things like that with the quad bodywork.