pics and vids from the track last night

super noober

Can't Stop, Won't Stop!
Feb 17, 2009
upstate ny
well went to the 1/8 mile track to see what the balsty could do but got hosed by some POS "tech unspector" that wouldnt let me run so sorry guys no vids of me and teh blastyX( X( X(. but anyhow here is a vid of the zilla going down the track and just some pics of my blasty all asphalted out haha. we are changing my front tires and going back next friday so mabey i will get to run then... freekin toolbag.....
zilla run, speed was 78mph with like a 8.1 i think





wtf dude , why couldnt u run, cause of ur front tires? that mikes zilla in the last pic

the guy kept flopping back and forth as to why i couldnt run.. he was a retard. the first words out of his mouth to me the INSTANT he rolled up were "i can tell you right now neither one of these quads are going down this track" without even looking at them at all.. fckn nazi piece of sh*t :D and yeha man thats mikes zilla in all the pics, he was the only quad there after they wouldnt let me go
Man that sucks ! ! I have been waiting for that vid too ! !

i hear ya man, the guy was such a idiot...X( i could have ran the zilla down teh track but i was pissed and wanted to ride my own quad lol oh and in that vid he has no front brakes, just hitting the gas to burn em I:I I:I in a little bit here im taking it down to the paved road to play with it hahahah tech nazi cant stop me there lol
That sucks bro.I hope you go and roost the techs ass next How far is this track from you???
That sucks bro.I hope you go and roost the techs ass next How far is this track from you???

ummm prolly like 35 mins, yeah im going to work on the tire situation then go again next friday, by the way he was acting last night im sure it will be a battle... tech nazis=fail lol
Just take the tires off of your lawn mower and see how he likes those on the blasty.IMO lol
You would figure they want all the money they can get and would be willing to work with you.Well you win some and lose some.
here is a few more... got mustangs for my little buddy hudak I:I


ive got one im uploading of a guy beating the balls off this corvette lol will post it soon hahaha I:I
so what was the reason for not letting you run?

also the burning out in water isn't really that hard.

and your buddy red lighted, run doesn't count, sorry.
so what was the reason for not letting you run?

also the burning out in water isn't really that hard.

and your buddy red lighted, run doesn't count, sorry.

haha it was a test and tune nothin official, it was just a good view from there so i posted it red light or not I:I