Picked this up today for my 7 year old's x-mas present


Giving away free clues
Mar 2, 2008
Picked this little bugger up today for my oldest son.He is going to be one happy little man thats for sure.It's an 06 eton viper 50cc.Other than being dirty it is ready to go,of course after an oil change and some basic maintenance.I think it is time for a bigger garage.lol Too many toys now.




sweet dude, dayton got one for his son but he got the 70cc....even paid 2 bills for an aftermarket exhaust for it that was annoyingly loud lol.....but pretty neat little bikes for sure
sweet dude, dayton got one for his son but he got the 70cc....even paid 2 bills for an aftermarket exhaust for it that was annoyingly loud lol.....but pretty neat little bikes for sure

Thanks bro, I rode it around my work for a few and it pulled me pretty damn good.I was impressed.Funny thing is it just fell into my lap and for a great price.Not sure if the wife is happy but hell me and the kids will be.I:I lol
Thanks guys,He will be estatic when he sees it.Going to order him a cutom jersey with his name and his b-day as his racing numbers.I figure it will be around for some years since when he outgrows it my 3 year old will be on it. I don't have to hide it from him,he doesn't have keys to the garage.lol I had to run home at lunch and put it away before he got off the bus.
Great gift man.. I can see you freezin ur ass off watching him buzz the yard.lol

lol I know I can see the same thing already,but I will never say no to him riding it.I remember begging for one at this age.You better watch out he may be chasing you this year at busco.I:I lol jk
if he is at busco with a shaved head and a stretched swinger (just like daddy)
draggin with joeys boy, i will literally piss myself laughin !!!!!
he's gonna luv this x-mas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awesome little quad bro! i had the same exact thing for my first quad, never had a single problem with it for the 3 years i owned it, there awesome because their automatic so great beginner quad. he'll love it!
Thanks guys.I am very happy for my boys to be able to learn how to ride,besides electric.lol I don't plan on many mods but you never know.If the boy takes a liking to it like I do then I may just have to do some mods to keep him interested.Plus the earlier I teach him to fix it the quicker I don't have to fix it.lol
Thanks bro, I rode it around my work for a few and it pulled me pretty damn good.I was impressed.Funny thing is it just fell into my lap and for a great price.Not sure if the wife is happy but hell me and the kids will be.I:I lol

ahh the wifes are never happy lol.....as long as the kids are, thats what mattersI:I
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