people can be assholes


Oct 17, 2007
Okay here is what happened to me yesterday.....

my cousin came over to help me cut down a bunch of trees with our chainsaws where we ride...

once we finished we were on the way back to the house.... and our neighbor jumped over the fence with a bat....and shoved my cousin off of his blaster...
so I jumped off of my quad and started my chainsaw up and walked toward him so he backs up and grabs his cell phone and calls the cops on me!!!!

so the cops came out and did nothing to me ..... but I have no clue what they did to him......

im getting a restraining order against that f*cker!!!!
He was probably drunk or something. Wouldn't surprise me if the guy who lives down the street from me did that.
no he was not drunk he just hates us riding the quad.....
even though we never ride past 7 o'clock and the noise ordinance is 10 o'clock
and we water the track so there is no dust

and he even has kids that ride there dirt bikes on the road.... and he has a stock car that he drives up and down the street
hmm..hypocrite if I've ever seen one..I hate people like that..
whata douche. did u guys even argue or talk when he jumped the fence? you didnt say if he said anything.

me and my cousin were driving about 3rd gear 1/4 throttle....
and he was standing on the other side of the fence, then he jumped it and ran up to my cousin grabbed him by the face mask on his helmet and pulled him off his blaster

he never said a word

so I grabbed my chainsaw and fired it up lol...
yeah, like a suprise bumble bee 24v hooked up to that fence and just keep ridin back and forth and let him jump it again! lol
Somebody stopped me once (old guy), I did on my own free will of course, so I wouldn't piss him off more, but he was talking so fast I couldn't understand WTF he was saying(had a nazi accent I think), and then I accidently revved it when he stopped blabering on!!!