Pdf manuals

i searched for a 99 kawi lakota manual a few years back, and ended up paying $7 to download it, same bike, except the bayou is 4x4 ????
same 300cc motor ????
i have it on my moms computer and could email it to you if you think it would help, i may also still have the link to the download site which had numerous machines available
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Mainly I want to adjust the valve on the quad, maybe if someone knows how too for sure, I hav a good idea but just wanted some reassurance in the process lol Im assuming i have to take the fuel tank off to get to the top of the motor, remove the cover to get to the valves and then just make sure the cam lobes is not opening the valve and feeler guage it from there, any one think or hav done this b 4 and what to watch out for

thanks for the help guy's
i searched for a 99 kawi lakota manual a few years back, and ended up paying $7 to download it, same bike, except the bayou is 4x4 ????
same 300cc motor ????
i have it on my moms computer and could email it to you if you think it would help, i may also still have the link to the download site which had numerous machines available

If you get a chance, Im sure the valve adjustment process is about the same


2 wheel drive also
so this bayou is a kl* 300, 2 wheel drive ???
sounds the same as the lakato klf300a we had, so the manual should be very similar for the motor
i can get it emailed to you next time i'm down my moms, sometime over the weekend here

and yes i did a complete top end rebuild on it, what a pain in the ass, gettin the plastics off and on was worse than the engine rebuild, you gotta remove the racks to get to the plastics, the the rears to remove the fronts and tank to get to the motor, you may be able to reach in and get the rear valve adjusted, the front one is easily accesible
and yeah, you got the valve adjustment correct, i'd possibly pull the timing gear cover, and get the marks lined up on the gear and case, that should put you at tdc, and then adjust the valves as you stated, if i'm not mistaken the lash was .005 < but don't hold me to that, it was a few years ago
and it still made top end noise even after all that, sold it like that, ticking on top, and the guy still beats the hell out of it today
No its an 2003 bayou 250 2wd and i did see that the ft rack had to come off, not happy about that lol but it should still be the same as yur 300 i would think, Im gona pull it off tonight but i want to be able to ride tomarow, worried i will fkk something up and not be able to ride tomarrow, so i might wait till monday night lol this place where i live has a rock quarry and they take monster trucks out there, i will take some vids it is fkn crazy out there 60' tires and they r getting stuck lol thanks for the help

hummm wonder if they really need adjusted then
it can't hurt to check the valve lash, as i understand 4 pokes need them adjusted regularly to maintain proper performance, if not the valves aren't openning fully and power will drop off ????
and it's not that big of deal to check or adjust them, i'll get you that manual over the weekend, then wait and read the valve adjustment then make that decision

and vids of this riding place are a must !!!!!!!
yo, i got that manual uploaded to a mass storage site, gonna just pm you the signin info and you can just go and download it