Our Blaster trail

YZ Otis

Sep 24, 2007
Oregon coast
A photo tour of our ATV trail. Kinda boring to look at, a challenge to ride. You can't tell from the pictures but there are several steep climbs, some with tight turns at the top. It takes about a 1/2 hour for a healthy person to walk. Anything under 10 minutes is pretty good on a quad. Our Son can ride it in just over 7 minutes with a lot of luck & no mistakes. Takes a lot of practice or luck to make it through without stopping, backing up or crashing. Can't get up the hills without momentum and can't carry speed into the turns. Small quads like our Blasters work best.

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Cool trails man but I must be high or something because im seeing something odd. It looks like there is a german shepperd following you around the trails which isnt odd, but what is odd is the cat that is also walking the trails hahahah
Cool trails man but I must be high or something because im seeing something odd. It looks like there is a german shepperd following you around the trails which isnt odd, but what is odd is the cat that is also walking the trails hahahah

Trail guards keep the squirrels & rabbits under control but don't bother 2-strokes ;) If I feed them well they won't let anyone beat my lap times.
haha Too funny on that last comment! But nice track! Wish I could come and join ya in a lap or two looks like some fun for sure! Nice land nice trail! And thanks for the look see :P