open my top end and look what i found

ya, if you can get away with anything under .80 over to get the scratches, your alright, but after you get to .90 over, its not near as safe as stock bore, so about then is the time to sleeve

yeah i hear you, the kid said it was either 0.10 or 0.20 over so it should be alright=))
Loose piston to cylinder clearance is one of the most common reasons for skirt breakage, next being modified piston windows. You should only bore to the next smallest size possible. I can source all of the necissary parts and labor, let me know if I can help.

picked up the parts tranny today, everything's there, clean cases, a few cranks, and everything else in between lol

scored a free DG bumper and Clymers Manual because i drove so far to pick it up. i was on my way up north to snowmobile and it was one the way so not a bad deal!