One of a Kind?


Dec 1, 2009
Hamlet, NC
I've never heard of a Phillips-built ATV before, but if what this seller is claiming is true, somebody would have a serious 4-stroke killer on their hands. Plus, unlike the Gas-Gas machines which are so hard (and expensive!) to get parts for, this one is built with mostly easy-to-find goodies. Hmm...

1996 phillips 550 ktm 2stroke superquad

Edit:I also found this:

Here's a fair deal for somebody on an older air-cooled ATC 250r...
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the dude has that thing posted on a few forums, heres is basicly what he said, philips was as well known in europe as laeger and lonestar are here, and they custom made these and imported a few here... i want one
its just a 250r with the ktm motor...anybody can do it. also stock 250r frames are known for cracking can u imagine what that engine would do to its fast tho
its just a 250r with the ktm motor...anybody can do it. also stock 250r frames are known for cracking can u imagine what that engine would do to its fast tho

That's what I was thinking. I doubt that engine is counterbalanced, so who knows how long it would last if you started riding it like it was meant to be ridden.
well, from what i'v heard that frame was not just a stock 250r frame, it was a frame made by that company that was modeled after the 250r and used 250r components, i bet that quad would kick ass to ride