An going to buy this carb.
OKO 30mm RACING CARB. FLAT SLIDE CARBURETTOR on eBay, also Other Scooter Parts, Scooter Parts, Motorcycle Parts Accessories, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 12-Nov-08 15:16:20 GMT)
Just wandering if theres any other stuff i need to buy for it, apart from jets
like new cable or anything?
OKO 30mm RACING CARB. FLAT SLIDE CARBURETTOR on eBay, also Other Scooter Parts, Scooter Parts, Motorcycle Parts Accessories, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 12-Nov-08 15:16:20 GMT)
Just wandering if theres any other stuff i need to buy for it, apart from jets
like new cable or anything?
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