i have not touched the jetting in the stock carb.i had a 38 mm with the 144 set up but hats in the junk yard somewhere now,and i sold the 38 mm.so its basicly stock with the mods,the bore is stock.
start with then basics..... starting.. hard? easy.. need choke? diont need choke?, off idle throttle.. sluggish, singgy??.. mid range.. boggy? revy?.. top end.. fallon on its face? zinngy??... lol.. you know the rest
ok so it will start 1-2 kicks without choke when its warom out.with when its cold.it has great bottom to mid but top end is a little breaky and boggy.and its been making that Buwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound if you guys know what i mean lol
ok sp piolot and air screw are fine.. mid to top would be needle and main... there your narrowed down to thoughs two. need to warm it up and pop a fresh plug in and read it