oil window

When you check it make sure its been sitting for awhile after you've been driving it, also if you haven't changed the oil in awhile it will be harder to see cause its dark.
let it sit for at least half hour i have the most luck in a dark area with flashlite. i actualy turn the lights off in my shop and use the flashlight to check the level. sounds corney but it works for ME
I drained my oil then filled it up with the 5 minute flush that you use on cars. I let sit for a day then drain it out. It cleaned the inside of the glass real nice. I let it sit for half a day to let it Ll drip out before I filled with oil.
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That's only if it's real bad. If it's not real bad then you can just fill it up with the flush and drain it. Flush the cleaner out will some oil then fill.