cant find the pic on the site. but i can however tell you best of memory.
itll be kickstarter side(same side as the two lines((DUH!!!))) itll be the smallest "nipple" coming off the carb. so to speak the regular nipples are like o and this nipple would be like . .... if that makes sense. its like a small copper tube protruding from your carb on the right side. should have some sort of plastic covering over it,....cant think of what the hell they're called right now. but so to speak, there should be a hose or a rubber stopper at the end of each protruding "line". im sure someone else can help you better but im going off of memory here. basically its near the rear of the carb, its a straight :copper: pipe protruding from the carb that looks like a hose should go there, if that isnt blocked, you either caught it fast enough or may have potentially started to blow your engine(happened to me)