oil change help

AHAHAHAHAHAH .....are you serious man ?? dude theres a bolt at the bottom just unscrew it....warm up the engine a bit first, unscrew it leave it for like 20 min (to drain)....put the screw back in and put more oil in (not sure on amount but its 150ml for banshees) ...should be printed in the side of the case
lefty loosey righty tighty for that bolt..... beleive me u wanna do that correctly
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AHAHAHAHAHAH .....are you serious man ?? dude theres a bolt at the bottom just unscrew it....warm up the engine a bit first, unscrew it leave it for like 20 min (to drain)....put the screw back in and put more oil in (not sure on amount but its 150ml for banshees) ...should be printed in the side of the case

if i wasnt serious i wouldnt have asked