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New Member
Mar 7, 2009
I need help figuring out what could be wrong with my 89 blaster. I just recently rebuilt the stator because my atv wasnt getting any fire and now it does and it also has decent compression its at 90 psi and for some reason it wont start unless i roll it down a hill and after i do that it still wont fire up from me kick starting it all it will do is backfire when i try to start it by kicking it. Also my idle screw doesnt work i still have the TORS system on it when i try to adjust it all it does is spin and it doesnt affect the idle. Could someone please lead me on where i should start looking to figure out what my problem is i have put alot of time and MONEY into this atv and its still having problems. I have also rebuilt the carb and put a fmf silencer on it thats all i have did to it motor wise. Please help me i would greatly appreciate it.
90 psi isnt enough. It should be up over 120 or so. That could be your main problem. And have you checked your reeds. If their broken it wont start either all it will do is pop and bang once and a while while your kicking your balls off.
I have a hard time believing its the tors when it still has spark. But its always a possibility. first thing i would do is check your reeds and clean the carb. If it doesnt work with good reeds im gunna say its time for a top end rebuild to boost your compression up over 120psi.
i checked the reeds and they are fine but the piston is chipped pretty badly and the jug is pretty scratched up can i get the jug rebuilt or do i need to buy a new jug
okay kiddo..
uhm.. what i'd do.. (this is just me.. but..)

get a new jug, and wiseco piston

unlessss.. you wanna bore your cyl. out a bit and get a slightly oversized piston in, -- **note** boring doesn't give you monster compression gain.. typically, it's not even noticeable unless you go big bore.. (like a 240 kit or above...)

---btw, if i were you, and you were having some starting problems before i'd remove the TORS..
--HOWEVERRRR if it doesn't give you any probs to begin with, don't remove it.. i removed mine soley because it gave me problems starting up quite frequently
i just looked at the piston on it and it has broken off and went down into the crank case. How can i get that out. BTW im going all out and getting the vito's 240 bore kit. And i dont know if my idle problem could be from my piston being in the shape its in but i will wait and see before i take that TORS off.
wow all the way to a BB if your gonna spend that cash, I would break apart your bottom end and check all the seals cuz metal pieces do not like being down there. just an fyi, and while you are at it I would just remove your tors, it will go bad RIGHT after you get everything together..
Well i finally got into the motor and it has a huge crack in the case. Im sick of working on this motor is there any way that i could get a banshee motor to work on my frame or would i have to do some modifications? Or would it be easier to just put a warrior motor on it.