how does the wrist pin get oiled on a blaster? i have a 1989 that i pulled the head off because no compression. the rings are shot and the piston was moving to far in the jug. so i removed the jug and in spected it no real problems there it will need to be boared over an new piston and rings. the problem is that it looks like the wristpin hasnt seen oil in years piston as well both were dry underneath. i was wondering how you check the oil flow or what is the oil flow path? can air be blown through the system? does the piston have to be sealed to suck oil on the up stroke? how does the oil pump function with the oil injection removed? the 2 lines coming out of the case are plugged and 1 that is on the carb. arnt you suppose to install something in the case to elimminate the oil injection? ive seen the ventos blockoff kit i dont know if the previouse owner has done this or not. if anyone knows were i should start it would be great. i am a 4stroke guy and the only other 2 strokes i own are a leaf blower, chain saw, and weed eather. i just need to make sure the motor is getting proper lube before i rebuild the topend.