Nigerian scammers piss me off


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
Oscoda Michigan
Dude it's like every day i have some Nigerian scammer emailing me about "my item" i have listed in craigs list its like the dont know how to read the add so they just call it the item, and then they say they are sending you extra money so send some back to them? wtf how could anyone believe that sh*t? I wish i knew some ted kazinczi people i tell ya what id do to catch these assholes, I'd go through with the deal and then mark a box "Western Union" and put a f*cking bomb in it then that ahole wont be scamming anyone anymore, and if his family gets some o the blast too? well just casualties of war buddy.....

Thanks for listening or rather reading my rant.
yeah i no what you mean man it really sucks they also say they are Americans and put false pics and identities on websites so women fall in love with them as they put on like male models pics on and then ask for money its just wrong
yeah lol a guy i know from 3wheelerworld, tim kleister, he sent a guy a note saying if this is real send me a pic of you holding a sign saying "tim kleister loves three wheelers" lol the guy did it too. you could tell he was in africa.
that is perfect. a buddy of mine has a great time with telemarketers, giving them fake vin#'s for warrenties and such... so funny
I never had any scammers like that call me; You know, about craiglist ad's. I do however get e-mails every now and then about some investment guy from Africa wants to wire like millions of dollars into my account and sh*t. I wrote back one time to see if it was real and the guy wrote back giving me like a full description of the process and sh*t. f*cking ahole.
Once i was to sell a guitar of a guitar site.The guy sent me 3500.00 check from some toyota in ontario.The guitar was listed as $350.He said to cash the check and western union the remaining cash out of the check.So i waited a few days for the check to clear and it didnt.So the bank called me and said the check was fake.Thank god i waited to see if it cleared.So i ran in and gave them the money back.The bastard almost screwed me over.So never trust these scammers.I mean damnit
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Once i was to sell a guitar of a guitar site.The guy sent me 3500.00 check from some toyota in ontario.The guitar was listed as $350.He said to cash the check and western union the remaining cash out of the check.So i waited a few days for the check to clear and it didnt.So the bank called me and said the check was fake.Thank god i waited to see if it cleared.So i ran in and gave them the money back.The bastard almost screwed me over.So never trust these scammers.I mean damnit

haha holy smoke. Good thinkin' about holding the product until you got the green.