New with a problem!


New Member
May 19, 2010
Hi everyone, I am new to the site. I have a bit of a problem and I wasn't sure where to post this at.

I have a 1991 Blaster, It won't start up. It acts like it wants to then nothing. I can pull it with my other 4wheeler and as Long as you don't touch the throttle it will run. once it gets running as long as you tap the throttle rapidly it tries to take off but won't. We have checked the plug it is getting fire. I don't know what else to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Does'nt sound like spark to me. I would guess a fuel problem. Look at the entire fuel system and eliminate that. If you have good spark than that's all that's left. If it has a tors, remove it.
Spark, compression, fuel.

Check that compression, clean up the carb and hopefully you'll be in business. Oh, and please stop pulling it. If it won't kickstart something isn't right. Forcing an unhappy motor over at higher speed can result in much greater damage.

+1 on checking reeds too. Bad/damaged reeds can give strange symptoms. Fortunately they are an easy fix.
Spark is good, getting fire. We checked the compression yesterday, its getting good compression, everybody I have talked to seems to think that it is the carb.
sounds like your carb just needs to be cleaned cus mine did that at one time and we cleaned it and it ran just fine.. but it might be your filter too..