new top end.

well hell go for it,just watch out if the chain snaps,they have a tendency to snap back and crack the block.
i used to have the same prob with my old 250X, until i rigged up a case saver from a 300ex!!!
me too but im not sure if im gonna trade or not the bike needs some work..ill probally just buy it straight out so i wont have as much in it! But the blaster is still going to get sold soon!
lol..well i had one before and i loved the bike it was a pretty pepy quad but that is all i ever got done with it was working on it! The day i was riding and the shifter snapped off at the case on me was the day i sold it! But i was just glad it snapped when i had it in gear!!
ok.. i got the top end done and the bike still runs the exact same it did! I have good compression and spark! I cleaned and rebuilt the carb! I tried to just unplug the TORS where it plugs into the Tors system and it didnt change anything! Should i try rejetting even know its all stock? It wont idle unless you hold the throttle about 1/4 to 1/2 way open and when you let out on the clutch to go it just wants to die! but if you hold it 3/4 to wide open it runs great when you take off? and suggestions? ( i have to keep it wound out nd i dont know why!) And after you ride it and it gets warmed up all the way it will sit and idle for a while???
i tried going to a 240 main jet and this also didnt help! could my pilet jet or float cause this?
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