New clutch problems.... Help


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Clyo, Ga
I installed a new clutch yesterday and now my clutch will not fully disengage....i did not lose the ball bearing between the push rods... My clutch cable is adjusted all the way out at the handle bars... I adjusted the push rod that comes through the pressure plate all the way in and im still not getting enough pull on my clutch handle to fully release the clutch.... What is going on? Is my clutch cable stretched out and i need a new on or what the old clutch would fully disengage but it slipped a good bit.
The clutch basket looks fine...What about the clutch boss spring? When looking a the diagrams it looks like there is a friction plate that goes on first then a clutch plate the the clutch boss spring.. I put it back together exactly like it came off plate for plate but im pretty sure that mine is put together friction plate, clutch plate, friction plate, boss spring, clutch plate, friction plate and so on....
Did stagger the tabs at 12 o'clock 2, 4, 6,8,and 10 so it goes friction, metal and the second friction which is the bigger inside diameter and then the cushion spring
Nope I didnt stagger the tabs... I put them all at 12. and I didnt notice a bigger inside diameter on any of the friction plates but I will tear it back apart a do that. Thanks for the help.
did u adjust the center threaded bolt on the pressure plate so that the clutch arm lines up with the straight line mark on the case just under the clutch arm
I tried to make that adjustment but i was pretty much guessing because I couldnt see the mark it was talking about? Does anyone have a picture of the mark?
hope this helps ya

the mark is under the clutch arm or number 2 on here
