New Carb. What Size?


New Member
Feb 5, 2011
I've been having problem after problem with getting my motor running just right since i rebuilt the engine. Right now I have compression issues. But anyways, I have a stock cylinder and head bored .60 over from stock, with a forged piston and high compression gaskets. As of right now, I'm still running my stock carb with this and its been giving me problems. I went through Vito's to bore my cylinder and they supplied me with the forged piston and high comp gasket kit. I also got the Vito's 2stage carbon fiber reeds. ONE DAY of riding after all this was rebuilt & broken in and I snapped a reed. I think it was because my engine is demanding a quicker or higher airflow and my stock carb cant deliver. Does anyone know what size carb i should get? I was thinking 30mm..
stock should be fine with that set up. i would try to get a replacement on the reeds if they were new

ok. well would a new 28mm or 30mm do much of a difference? and is it possible to remove the huge ass "tors" thing on top on the stock carb? i want to striaght cable it because the electircal killswitch thing and the idle screw is broken in mine
ok. well would a new 28mm or 30mm do much of a difference? and is it possible to remove the huge ass "tors" thing on top on the stock carb? i want to striaght cable it because the electircal killswitch thing and the idle screw is broken in mine

yes a 28mm or 30mm will do alot of help...the stock blasty carbs were to small to start with
personally ive never thought of a carb as a big power upgrade, it will make what you have work better and mabey give a better throttle response but its not a big power mod. a 28mm carb would be a nice little addition if you can find one cheap but i dont think the reed breaking had anything to do with the carb.
carbon reeds on the stock cage ??? did you put the reed stops back on ????

and if you get the motion pro tors delete kit, i think you need to get an idle screw kit also ???
carbon reeds on the stock cage ??? did you put the reed stops back on ????

and if you get the motion pro tors delete kit, i think you need to get an idle screw kit also ???

yeah i bought the two-stage carbon reeds FOR the stock reedcage from Vito's and yes i put the reed stops back on. i literally snapped one of the reeds within one good day of riding. but that doesnt matter. i bought everything that i think will fix my quad. new rings, high comp gaskets, exhaust seal, and 28mm PWK carb. stock reed cage does me fine with the boyesen power reeds.