I:Imy dad traded his kodiak for a 2000 banshee with fmf pipes and some other stuff. OH MY F*CKING GOD THIS THING IS FAST, ive nevere ridden one before and i dunno if it has a bigger front sproket or what but its faster then my blaster in 3rd gear!!! it easy does over 100kph in 3rd and pulls so hard it takes muscle to hold on good. i hit the powerband in 4th and it felt like a friggin turbo button or something.
and i just got offered to trade my blaster for a 2003 cr125r, my dad said he would trade the shee for that cuz he loves bikes, so i might end up with the banshee!!!
also what is the stock banshee gearing front and back sproket cuz ive seen videos and this isnt like anything ive seen on youtube, the gears last forever and i doubt ill ever hit 6th but its got loads of power, maybe im just rambling on now but this thing is AWESOME!!
ill get pics tomorrow this is definitally one of the nicest lookin banshees ive ever seen.I:II:II:II:I
and i just got offered to trade my blaster for a 2003 cr125r, my dad said he would trade the shee for that cuz he loves bikes, so i might end up with the banshee!!!
also what is the stock banshee gearing front and back sproket cuz ive seen videos and this isnt like anything ive seen on youtube, the gears last forever and i doubt ill ever hit 6th but its got loads of power, maybe im just rambling on now but this thing is AWESOME!!
ill get pics tomorrow this is definitally one of the nicest lookin banshees ive ever seen.I:II:II:II:I