Nerf Bars with Heel Guards


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Draper, Utah
I want to get some Nerfs with heel guards. So my question is which ones do you guys have or which ones are nice and not too expensive?
DG MIGHT make a set, but they're far from cheap, plan on 250 bucks for a set of nerfs with integrated heel guards
DG is the only company to make nerfs with heel guards for a blaster that i know of. moose makes nerfs with heel guards and they make them for the blaster but they don't include the heel guards on a blaster or banshee. so either get DG nerfs or do like was mentioned above, buy for another quad and mod them to fit.
the biggest thing is you need at least +3+1 a-arms to have them fit and the front frame mount. mine uses a u-bolt system other people weld a bar to there frame to mount them.