Needs new rings?


New Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hey guys, Im new here and just need some input on my friends blaster which I plan to somewhat fix.

Well the problem is it will not stay running really. We would pull it and pop the clutch and it will start and run, but when you stop sometimes it will stay on and you can give it some gas and it will rev. When you try to ride it in gear it will just die, no power at all. When a few friends pushed down on the kickstart they said doesnt have much compression because they could easily push it down with their hands. They said it needs new rings to fix this. Are they on the right track?

When getting choosing rings, Im guessing I have to take it apart before ordering because I dont know anything about the parts. Will the current parts tell me what size rings I should order? should I go up by .10 like it said in a thread I searched? How do I determine the ring size?

We just got a new needle and float installed too.
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When the rings are worn you really need to rebore. Buy a .010 over piston or whatever the person boring it suggests to make it good again. You want the least bore over to get it fixed. If the sleeve isnt past the max wear for that piston size and the rings are you can possibly just get some rings, but usually both wear evenly and this won't work. I would read up on the wear specs in this manual.

Whatever is out you need to redo or replace. I would find or rent a compresion tester to be sure before you tear into it also.
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yea, if you are planning on putting rings in it, depending on the scoring/scathing you might get away with a hone job, but thats only if it is light scratches, i mean light, so most of the time you will have it bored, if stock they will usually reccomend you to bore it to ,010 over for the first if it is not too damaged, but there is also the problem of it being too damaged and needing a new sleeve, then you are sinking money into it at that point, then you have an option, buy the bb kit, or find someone with a jug and head for sale, probably cheaper than resleeving it and buying a piston kit, take some pics of the inside and post em on here i want to see what it looks like and i am sure one of the builders on here will tell you where to bore it to, whoever you take it to
i plan to do this myself with a friend who has done it.

But anyway, there is a sticker on there that says wiesco so Im guessing it has that in there? Im also just trying to get it to run again because this was a friends quad who I let another friend use and he really abused it. I just want it to get it running again with least money.
Im reading about measuring the cylinder with the cylinder bore gauge. I was wondering if that is really necessary. If the sleeve is still in good condition, can i get away with measuring just the piston and go .010 size up on the piston??

It has a Wiseco sticker on the quad so i dont think its on stock bore. maybe reuilt once?