Hello i recently rebuilt the topend on my 89 blaster tors removed from harness completely aftermarket keihin carb and stock reeds aftermarket DG exhaust stock silencer topend has just been rebuilt at 20 over the bike starts and runs great in nuetral revs out idles no problem yet once its put in gear it loses all power bogs around 3/4 throttle and then starts to buck a bit once its warmed up it lose all power completely i noticed the carb has a 152 main jet in it and that alone sounds way to small im planning on puttting in a 190 through 220 and testing the effects of them yet i would love for anyones input on what it could be or how to fix it .... i also noticed a leak around the bottom of the cylinder gasket probaly is kinked or ripped could this cause this at all as well thank you so much for anyones advice or intput again please help me