need some help


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
here are a few symptoms....

will start up and idle fine, and will rev up at any given throttle fine with no bog or hesatasin. throttle comes right back down without hangin up like an air leak does. but when u put it in gear and ease off the clutch and barly gas it it acts like its going to puke and bog out almost like the fuel is not going in. but if u rev it pretty high and let off it will run fine and has all the power. basicly what im saying is if it aint "on the pipe" or powereband if u will it acts like its starving for fuel. its not a throttle pos.. becouse it acts that way at any given throttle. its more of a rpm thing.

if its not in the powerband the motor pretty much acts as if its starved for fuel and will almost die.

any ideas?

any body have any ideas?
sounds like 2 things to me

Either your parking brake is screwed

or its a tors issue, do a search on the forum for both procedures to fix these, both should be done anyways
removing the tors and pbrake was first thing i did. it acts the same, no change at all. my reeeds dont look to bad but they are about three years old. they are the boysen dual reeds and i did notice they have a small gap between the reed cage. could reeds be causing these symptons?
i think you can flip the pedals on the boysen reeds. that should close the gaps. try that as see if it helps. have you rejeted for the colder weather?
Did you make any mods to intake or exhaust before it started to act up? I mean anything like removed airbox lid or different expansion chamber . How old is the plug? How's the plug wire? Does the insulation look dry or cracked?
Reeds that old should be replaced , but bad reeds won't let it idle fine .
What settings have you changed in the carb?
fliped the reed pedals, cleaned the carb very well. i removed all jets blew through them and used guitar string. checked float level its good and its not sticking. the slide moves freely and the needle is fine with both washers on ontop and under needle clip. needle clip is on 3. 310 main jet (toomey) new plug was installed with 0.28 gap. peakock flow heavaly on res and on. tors and ebrake elimanated long ago before this. still does itm
in neutral it reves like its highly tuned at any trhottle position, but pop it in gear and under load the thing acts like no fuel is comin in. but if i rev it up kinda high and ease off the clutch its fine. also if i let it fall off the power band it wants to act like its starving for fuel. like i said at low rpm it does this at any throttle pos, hit the power band and its wheellie riding blastin.

cant figure this out for the life of me.

should i try to repack the toomey silincer? its aabout four years old. also if the o ring was messeed up under the cap on top of the carb would that cause this.

it makes it hard to hit fourth gear cause the rpms are lower thier and want pull. mabyee rebuild time
sounds electrical to me and when you rev the piss outta it the spark is strong like it should be but when its not revving high the spark is real weak. mabey check all your wires and grounds?
sounds electrical to me and when you rev the piss outta it the spark is strong like it should be but when its not revving high the spark is real weak. mabey check all your wires and grounds?

this makes so much sense! other then visualy looking at connectors how else can i check this theory?
you really cant.
unless you take a multimeter, hook on end up to the stator and the other to the coil.
but best way is to check all grounds and connection. most likely you have a weak ground.
make sure all paint is off of the grounds.