Need some advice


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
Hey guys i found a guy that is willing to trade a 06 ltr 450 stock with the titles and it runs perfect and is almost brand new for my blaster,ps3, and around 200 bucks. Im not sure if i should do it because i probably would have to miss the first couple races because i am gonna need to buy nerfs and a kill switch and then i am still gonna have to scrape together some money for gear since all of my gear has yamaha on it. so what do you guys think i should do. Keep the blaster or trade it for the ltr and miss like 5 races
no there more reliable and require less maintenance then 2 strokes usually, but are more expensive to repair.
Not a modern high strung 4stroke! Big difference from an old thumper that can go through a nuclar war and still run. The modern 4strokes are just as bad if not worse then a 2stroke. Now stock they can hold together OK, and quads are usually detuned alot anyways.

But dude take the deal!!! ltr's are sick! you would be foolish not taking the deal, and since you race its the perfect quad for you.

I wish I could barter like that lol
i would do it.....but thats towards the top of my list of quads i want. if you HATE it you could sell it and buy a blasty already modded to hell
haha dude i am a very good barter i just talked a guy that has a modded 250r into the exact same thing i offered the ltr guy and the ltr is my favorite quad so i think i might do it
haha dude i am a very good barter i just talked a guy that has a modded 250r into the exact same thing i offered the ltr guy and the ltr is my favorite quad so i think i might do it

I'd get the 250r instead of the 450. A built mx 250r will still spank the new 4strokes on the track. Plus later on you can add a 330 cylinder to it and have some real fun
pic of the 250r