Need Some Advice Badly!!!!


New Member
Sep 25, 2008
Rhode Island
Okay guys i had a really sh*tty week.....My truck has broken down 4 times and had to pay about 900 dollars for four trips to the shop....Found out I needed a clutch basket and swing arm bearings on my blaster that's been in the shop being fully rebuilt so my blaster has now gone up to 800 bucks and i got 870 to pay for insurance in February....I only have like 100 bucks maybe 150 to spend on performance for my blaster and i want to make the most of it. What is like the cheapest but at the same time most effective thing to add performance to my blaster for that amount of money...carb....gearing?? let me now asap thanks guys!!
well, you could do a +4 advance timing your self. It is completely free and isnt really that hard, you do need a flywheel puller though, so i guess that is a little bit. There is a DIY on it. Although Im sure the shop that is doing the full rebuild, probably would take the flywheel off at no charge because you are having them re-build the motor.

Also not sure if you have it done or not, but take your air-box lid off, that will give you a big boost in power, you will probably need to re-jet it though.
If u r reading in this thread for the first time read my first post first!!! I dont want to send any parts out to another state for a port job or anythin yet.....That would require a sh*t load in shipping costs!!! also im getting the whole thing back tommorow afta school so hes already done with the engine just hooking it up to everything else now. Now for the airbox lid I heard someone else did that.....r u sure I need to rejet it cause i dont think so?
what jet is in there now? i think stock is 230 and u have a pipe already which this should have been changed. with the airbox lid removed i would say u need to be around 260-280 and u may want to adjust the clip position on the needle in the carb.