ok heres my situtation. i was racing school boy class which is 91-300cc 13-15yo. and so comming this november, i cant ride in that class anynmore, cause i will be 16. not to mention i got wrecked in that class with my blaster. now there is no way i will be able to ride collage boy or c class with the way my blaster is now. and with all the mods it will take to makke my blaster even be able to compete with the 450's, i would be spending so much money, i would probs be able ot buy a new one. now i found a 400ex on craigs for 1600 obo, and i know a 400 will fit into my car.
so what should i do? sell blaster and buy stock 400ex, or what? the only problem is that if i sell my blaster, and the 400ex sells befor i sell mine, then i will have nothing to ride. and he wont trade.
heres his ad:
so what should i do? sell blaster and buy stock 400ex, or what? the only problem is that if i sell my blaster, and the 400ex sells befor i sell mine, then i will have nothing to ride. and he wont trade.
heres his ad: