Need HELP!

if you got the slide all of the way out of the carb , just take a look at all the parts and pieces ,give it a real good lookover . you should be able to see something wrong ,if everything looks okay put it back together and try again
remember that if it is working correctly ,putting it back will be easy and not require any force , if things are damaged well then replace as needed
ok so i removed the slider. i had to push up with my fingers from inside of carb to get the slider assembly out. it looks like there is some mud build up inside the carb where the slider moves. im going to clean it up and clean the slider up. should i put and type of a lube on the slider or just put in clean? also should i use an emery cloth to clean up the inside of the carb?

right now with slider assembly in hand, when i pull the accel cable i do not see any movement anywhere. i can here the lever in the box that sits on top of the carb moving but doesnt seem to be doing anything. is this right?




with that piece in hand ,if you are pushing on the throttle the spring will compress and the slider will be pulled tightly to the cap
does this happen for you?
ok i just pulled the cover off and it looks like the cable came out. theres that problem! so should i just clean it all out and do the full clean as listed the jetting 101? and what about the emery cloth? and last question ... how do you remove the fuel line on the right side of the carb....the black line
if you look at the carb top there are some small screws there ,basically you are gonna want to take those out to remove the cover and gain access to the inside of the top.
once inside you should be able to figure out whats stopping the cable operation, make sure that the pivot points are free moving, if everything frees up apply some lithium grease to both of the pivot points(one on each side) and put it back together .
if there are any broken pieces or bad parts , go and get some new ones,
ok if the cable problem is solved thats good
as for the slide and inside of the carb take some good ole carb cleaner and spray it up good and use a rag or something to wipe it all up ,
if when u put it all back together , the slide does not slide smoothly you may need to get a new slide, make sure to line up the nub on the inside of the slide bore with the slot , remember nothing should have to be forced
good luck ,if you need any other help let me know
and which fuel line ? choke side of the carb?
does it run down into the right side case?
if so thats your oil injection line
gas line is on the choke side of the carb only one
yea its all good now... so should i just clean it all out and do the full clean as listed the jetting 101? and what about cleaning the inside of carb with an emery cloth? and last question ... how do you remove the fuel line on the right side of the carb....the black line?
wanna know how to remove the oil injection?
it is a good mod to do , pretty simple too
but to remove that hose form the carb should be pretty straight forward
loosen clamp and remove
yea ill remove the oil injection if that is a better mod for the blaster. that hose looked like it had a solid clamp on it but i was wrong. i got it off. ooo baby o
basically, removing the oil injection is in my opinion the BEST mod you can do
its just cheap insurance
before you can start this you are gonna need some stuff
1)a quart of motorcycle engine oil designed for wet clutch use..i personally use belray gear saver 80 w from just about any atv dealership that deals with two strokes, its expensive but well worth it
2)new gasket for the clutch side cover
3)something to plug the hose that comes from the carb , needs to be plugged to keep air and debris out
4)some silicone or gasket maker ,red rtv
gotcha ill get that stuff and ill let u know. hopefully i can find something open today. i just cleaned the carb out real good. the slider seems to be moving freely now. im gunna remove the bowl and clean the rest and then put it all back and see how it runs.
ok so.... i cleaned out the carb as listed in jetting 101 bulletin. put carb back in. throttle felt so much better. so i opened the choke and fuel line and then started it up. at first it sound so much better and then it went to what sounded like 3/4 open throttle. i pushed the choke in and the rpm went even higher. i restarted it and it went to high rpm again and then it just shuts off. randomly it would drop the rpm and then it would raise again. this blaster has not been ran for awhile. does it need time to run to clear everything out? im just afraid of hurting the motor
you need to make sure that the throttle isn't hanging up (sticking open) thats what it sounds like its doing. if its sticking open and then dieing, then the tors unit is probably killing the engine. without starting the engine move the thumb throttle, you should hear the slide slam shut when you release the thumb throttle from wide open.