need help


Jun 3, 2015
i changed my 2000 blaster to twist throttle and itll start up sometimes. im not able to keep it idling and then when it shuts off im not able to start it back up need help . i heard something about an idler screw kit but cant find it.
There is a TORS delete kit, it has an idle screw.
Never had it myself, sure members will chime in that have a TORS delete kit.
good luck
You switched to a twist throttle which got rid of the TORS on top of the carb which had the idle screw connected to it? Am I getting that right ? If so you really need to get the TORS delete screw, drill bit and tap kit. In the mean time it is possible to adjust your idle by adjusting the slack/tension in the throttle cable.

IMHO you're a nut bag for riding with a twist throttle on a quad.
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Nothing wrong with the twist throttle. Of course everybody has a preference. I've always ridden on 2 wheels so that's what I'm used to. On the other hand I wouldn't let my wife use one.