need help No top end

if the piston was in backwards there wouldve been a big kabang by now.
how does your jetting "seem fine" have you done the jetting test?
one more, is this a new blaster? have you ridden it before?
yes ive had it since 04. when i took it to the shop the guy was riding it like it was fine. then the fuel petcock was clogged so i replaced it and was leaking cause the float bowl was clogged so fixed that and now theres very little power?
take the float bowl off and clean all the jets out with carb cleaner/compressed air, then do a plug chop. look in the diy section on how to do it.

it would lack power if it is lean just like if it's too rich. only difference is it will blow up really quick if your running lean, but not if your running rich.