Need help from the forum!


New Member
Apr 9, 2012
Fond du Lac, WI
Hey guys, and girls. I started up a YouTube channel about a month ago. I try to represent Blaster Fourm the best I can im my videos as well as my fan page on Facebook. I guess im just asking you guys to check out my channel on YouTube, and like me on Facebook. Like I said I represent the forum and try to get more people involved, and to join the forum. So check out my videos, subscribe to me, or like my fan page on Facebook. Heck do both and ill be extremely greatful! And Im not trying to offend the Blaster Forum YouTube channel or any administrators of this awesome forum. Just trying to get the forum out there to people who dont know about it threw my videos and fan page. If you help me out, it will help the forum out!
PS. If this got stickied, it would be awesome as well!

Heres my YouTube channel link: Ryan Rashid - YouTube

Facebook fan page link: Ryan Rashid | Facebook

Thanks alot everyone!